2013 Student Films

Day Session Student Films & Response Panel Schedule
10:15 – 10:45 a.m.        (approx. 16 min. film, 14 min. discussion )

Harry Potter: The Snatchers   RT: 2:26   by Steven Dettling   (Career Academy, Century High School)

Kyle Me vs. Me   RT: 0:27   by Kyle Miller   (Bismarck High School)

Justin Me vs. Me   RT: 0:26   by Justin Ternes   (Bismarck High School)

Brooke Me vs. Me   RT: 0:39   by Brooke Thunder Hawk   (Bismarck High School)

T-Shirt Animation   RT: 1:40   by Jamie and Justin Thorson   (Bismarck High School)

Jade Me vs. Me   RT: 0:33   by Jade Nein   (Bismarck High School)

Germs   RT: 0:45   by Lexi Bosch and Devon Malnourie   (Bismarck High School)

Portraits of Asperger’s   RT: 6:04   by Tonya Names, Seffra Daley,  and James Ness   (Rasmussen-Fargo)

Foley Cat   RT: 0:56   by Sam Vollan   (Career Academy, Century High School)

An Average Day in an Apocalyptic Wartime   RT: 0:38   by Alyssa Christensen and Kristen Sullivan   (Career Academy, Century High School)

Writer’s Block   RT: 1:32   by Danielle Molinaro   (Career Academy, Century High School)

1:00 – 1:45 p.m. (approx. 25 min. film, 20 min. discussion)

Coffee   RT: 3:10   by Jordan Bitz, Jonah Eslinger, Sam Hinz, Allen Sand, and Austin Bergquist   (Career Academy, Bismarck and Century High Schools)

Carrie’s Story One Person Can Make a Difference   RT: 5:10   by Anne Petersen and Taylar Jerome   (University of Mary)

Hazen FFA News Feature   RT: 2:04   by Jinny Miller, Calla Price and Allison Oestreich   (Hazen High School)

Hazen Drama Feature   RT: 2:40   by Alex Valley, Casey Neameyer and Erik Mattheis   (Hazen High School)

End of the World 2012   RT: 1:30   by Peyton Kringlie and Jon Tharldson   (Bismarck High School)

Owned 2.0   RT: 2:30   by Alyssa Christensen, Allen Sand, Danielle Molinaro   (Career Academy, Century High School)

Panda Bully   RT: 2:22   by Nash Anderson   (Career Academy, Century High School)

My Little Hero   RT: 1:30   by Stephanie Davis, Maria Julia Rocha and Tyler Wasem   (Hazen High School)

Unda Dogg Unda Godd- G.E.N.O.   RT: 5:02   by Gene Declay, Pierce Augire and Marian Declay   (United Tribes Technical College)