2016 Student Films

Day Session Student Films & Response Panel Schedule
9:45 – 10:30 a.m.        (approx. 30 min. film, 15 min. discussion)

Red Tracks   RT: 3:15   by Casey Beck, Alec Stork, Tyler Tweeten   (Mandan High School)

Backstage   RT: 4:20   by Brittany Smith   (University of Mary)

Story of Me   RT: 2:30   by MacKenzie Reinhardt   (Hazen High School)

Skittles Stop Motion   RT: 1:40   by Bethany Goodwin   (Hazen High School)

New Teacher Feature – Patty Mosset   RT: 3:05   by Mikayla Ward & Ben Harvey
                                                              (Hazen High School)

Water Training Survival Course News   RT: 1:50   by Erik Mattheis
                                                              (Bismarck State College)

Two Girls, One City   RT: 3:20   by Anika Rovig   (Bismarck State College)

60’s Symposium Intro & Lead Story   RT: 2:30   by Erik Mattheis & Alexis Larson
                                                           (Bismarck State College)

Fruit Ninja in Real Life   RT: 0:30   by Scott Mann (Bismarck State College)

Horror Movie Special   RT: 1:25   by Tanner Hostetter   (Bismarck State College)

Silly Rabbit   RT: 5:00   by James Haaland, Tim Bjugstad, Johan Stenslie,
                                     Micayla Bitz & John Thomason   (Mandan High School)

2:15 – 2:45 p.m.        (approx. 10 min. film, 10 min. discussion)

Wall Project   RT: 1:00   by Tanner Hostetter (Bismarck State College)

Story of Me   RT: 2:10   by Ben Harvey (Hazen High School)

Illumifinder   RT: 1:00   by Tyler Wolf, Elise Hintz & Ben Harvey (Hazen High School)

Snapchat PSA   RT: 0:30   by Katie Winbauger (Bismarck State College)

Mrs. C. Shrunk the Students   RT: 2:45   by Michaela Gerving & Taya Bandle
                                                              (Glen Ullin High School)

Basketball Spoof PSA   RT: 1:00   by Scott Mann (Bismarck State College)

    3rd Place – $150 prize: Story of Me by MacKenzie Reinhardt, Hazen High School

    2nd Place – $250 prize: Backstage by Brittany Smith, University of Mary

    1st Place – $500 prize and was included as an “Official Selection” for screening
                       during the evening short films: Silly Rabbit by James Haaland,
                       Tim Bjugstad, Johan Stenslie, Micayla Bitz & John Thomason,
                       Mandan High School